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Saving albums to your Dropbox folder

This feature is great if you have a large order and want it to automatically sync to your computer.

Jonas Sacks avatar
Written by Jonas Sacks
Updated over 4 years ago

IMPORTANT: You are not able to save to Dropbox when using a free dropbox account, because a lot of albums available in our store are larger than the 2 GB that a free Dropbox account gives you.

How to save NativeDSD albums to Dropbox

Image 1

(Image 1)

Save to Dropbox

  1. Place an order

  2. On the confirmation page, you will see a Dropbox square (see image 1) for those albums you are able to save to Dropbox. Click on the album you would like to save.

  3. You are prompted to Sign in / Select a location in your Dropbox to push the audio files to.

  4. Click save in the dropbox modal.

  5. The tracks of the album, cover and booklet are now saved to your Dropbox cloud folder, and when that is completed - synced to your computer's Dropbox folder. (If enabled). There is no need to unzip these files, they will be ready to play once fully synced.

  6. This process may take quite some time so please be patient. There is no way for us to show you the progress on this as Dropbox does not share it with us.

Troubleshooting tips

  • Indeed, you can not see the progress of the Save on our store website. Dropbox does not share that information with us.

  • If you do not see your purchases synced to your computer, check your cloud's Dropbox folder by signing on to and find the folder you saved the files to, to see if they are there. (Usually a folder called 'Saves')

  • If the files are on the cloud folder,  check your selective sync settings in the Dropbox preferences to make sure this folder is also synced to your computer.

  • Make sure your computers harddrive, where the Dropbox folder is synced, has enough free space available.

  • The error reporting that dropbox provides is explained here.

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